Can I pick your brain?
Can I take you for coffee?
Can you mentor me?
Can you speak at my event?
Can you help me with this project?
Could you be my advisor?
Can you coach me?
Sounds familiar?

Our team will be reviewing your application and get back to you shortly. Please continue filling out your details to complete your profile.
Pick My Brain is the world’s first knowledge marketplace. It’s where smart, interesting and passionate people (we call them Brains) go to unlock new ways to buy, sell and gift knowledge.
Your time, knowledge and experience has immense value.
You've invested a ton of time, money and effort into yourself.
It's not fair for people to expect you to give it away for free.
Set your boundaries and share your time on your own terms.
Let the world know they can now formally book and pay you for your time, knowledge, experience, ideas, wisdom, energy, passions and unique offers.
Start a ProfileTell us about your knowledge, passions and values; let the world know you are now open for business.
Package, price and sell your knowledge as a service; use our templates to get started or build your own.
Bookings, payments, reviews, reminders, and search; we make it easier for people to find, connect, book and pay you.
*Brains: Smart, interesting and passionate people who share their time, knowledge and experience in new and exciting ways on their own terms.
Free to get started. Pay to unlock additional opportunities to list, sell, share and connect.
Note: Once your profile has been approved, you will also gain access to our invite only networking events. This will give you even more opportunity to buy, sell and share your unique offers, and explore our knowledge sharing community.
Calls, coffees, mentorship, private sessions, hourly packages, retainers, masterclasses and more. We have a variety of knowledge based contract templates for you to choose from. The sky really is the limit.
Let the world know you are totally open, available and accessible to help 1:1 over the phone.
Let the world know they can formally pay to pick your brain 1:1 over the phone.
Let the world know they can formally pay to sit down and have a coffee with you 1:1 online or in person.
Let young professionals everywhere know they can reach out for some candid private 1:1 career advice and perspective.
Let the world know you are open and available to helping people fulfill their unique needs and solve their custom problems 1:1 online or in person.
Let the world know they can now formally book and pay you hourly for your time, energy and support.
Let the world know you are open to being booked for ongoing monthly support.
Let the world know they can access your knowledge in an online classroom type setting.
Let the world know they can book and pay you to speak online or in-person for events, panels, keynotes, conferences, corporate events and more.
Let the world know that you have other unique and custom offers available for sale. Set all your own rate, rules and availability.
Say goodbye to all the digital admin that comes with trying to formally charge for your knowledge.
Say hello to automated reviews, ratings and thank yous that make you look and feel awesome.
Join an online community who compensate each other for sharing their time, knowledge and experience.
Pick My Brain has been an incredibly useful tool to help monetize my own brain, but more than that it is a global community of other thinkers, doers, and changemakers I am excited to be a part of.
PMB is fast becoming THE place to meet and deep dive with interesting minds and heart smarts. Its library of living wisdom and knowledge is where I want to browse, brainstorm and be booked.
Pick My Brain is the place to be discovered and showcase who you are, what you do, create unique offers, and get paid for it - all in one place!
Pick My Brain is built for the era of the digital decade. If your profile is not in yet, now is the perfect time. Highly recommended.
When I was exploring possible platforms to launch a masterclass based on my new book, VisuaLeadership, the very first place that came to mind was Pick My Brain!
PMB has made it extremely easy to showcase my services, and allowed me to connect with beautiful minds! The perfect platform for modern-day education and mentoring!
I've struggled to get compensated for the value I bring. The Pick My Brain advantage is that when I send someone my profile, they immediately see what it costs to bring me in.
Pick My Brain is a perfect platform partner. The real Gem is the live online meeting sessions where we present, exchange, and multiply our knowledge in fast-paced and stimulating conversations
It allows people to see who I am, what I do, why I do it, the impact & value others have received and then be able to schedule a meeting with me all in one place!
There has never been a better time to build a Pick My Brain profile.
By signing up, I agree to Pick My Brain’s Terms of Use.